I have used this for the past few years and it works about 90% of the time for me. This is well about the expected threshold to bulk rename many pdf journal articles. I would buy this again.
I have used this for the past few years and it works about 90% of the time for me. This is well about the expected threshold to bulk rename many pdf journal articles. I would buy this again.
I just downloaded it as of May, 2010, and am running it on an antique 2009 MBP running OS 10.11.6 (El Capitan). It does what it says it does, and I’ve encountered no crashes or bugs so far, after having renamed about 200 files. I’d love it to have more features, such as the ability to individually remove files which will be renamed incorrectly BEFORE renaming the batch, but since there are no other offerings in the category, I can’t complain.
This app does not work at all. Unable to rename a single pdf file. This seems like a scam.
Crashes when loading more than one file. Cannot rename a file. Contacted developer- if problems are resolved, will edit review, but this review stands for now as a WARNING FOR INTERESTED PEOPLE TO NOT PURCHASE. TL; DR 0/11 gotta couple of choice renames for the software and developer I shouted at the screen when dealing with these problems.
App works on Yosemite and has been an incredible time saver. It does have trouble at times automatically recognizing the proper title (probably because the publisher metadata is incorrect), but the “PDF Viewer” displays a thumbnail preview of the file that you can click and highlight the title directly - the filename is automatically filled to match what was highlighted!
A colleague of mine retired and gave me about 20 years worth of a printed scientific journal with lots of articles relevant to my work. I ripped out the interesting articles, scanned them using a ScanSnap document scanner, and performed OCR using Adobe Acrobat Pro XI. I then used this app to rename the resulting pdf files with the titles of the original papers. The app was fairly successful at automatic extraction of titles when the bibliographic formatting was simple — titles in large fonts between the bibliographic citation and the author block. However, the success rate dropped for more complicated formats such as side-by-side authors/titles or titles in boxes. In these cases, it was easy to use the pdf viewing window to select the title and see a live update in the app title field. The live update turned out to be very useful because it is often difficult to get the exact text selection you want in a pdf.
very handy, works on Mavericks, and Yosemeti, it allows to get the article renamed by (author)(date)Title —you have to click apply, and then proceed to rename file— , it saves a lot of time and the mini display that allows me to choose the Title directly from the file is pretty usefull when the PDF don’t have the data embedded.
The developer has really identified a need for people, like me, who end up with hundreds of numerically named pdfs on their hard drive. I use Yep to tag and store pdfs and an app like this helps with the process of tagging. So far, it's worked okay for some files (presumably those with enough metadata), but for others it doesn't intelligently get the correct title. Sometimes it comes up with weird titles and other times it does not suggest a title at all. These are readable pdfs so I don't know what the problem could be. Perhaps it would be better for the program to retrieve both the title from metadata and the information it uses for intelligent title retrieval and let the user decide which is best per file (dropdown suggestions?). I'd love it if the program could also include an author name, but that may be too much to ask! One other little problem is that if you choose to fill white spaces with something like _ and limit the title words to fewer words than are in the title, the last character prior to .pdf will be _. I find this mildly annoying. I'll admit I'm ever so slightly obessessive though! Now, if this program could also add OpenMeta tags… I'd definitely give this 5 stars if intelligent naming worked properly. It's the sort of program that can save researchers a lot of valuable time. ------------------ As an update on the most recent release, this program is definitely getting better. It's not quite intelligent enough, yet. Author name, for example, would be handy (when available). Also, it is still a little limited in what it will allow you to do. In particular, the program does not allow drag & drop! For some reason keyboard shortcuts don't work (I can't remove a file with "delete"). This could be my setup though. A small GUI request: could the inspector interface have collapsible menus instead of tabs?
Crashes on start-up when trying to launch with Max OS 10.6.8. Can't get it to launch, so can't see whether it works for what it claims to do.
Running OSX 10.6.8 crashes on start every time haven't been able to use it.